Once upon a time...
From a young age, Victoria was a storyteller. Whether it was putting on a one-woman production of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh in her living room, directing small plays starring herself, her sister, and her cousins, or creating dramatic lives for her American Girl dolls to fall victim to, Victoria is happiest when creating and sharing stories with others.
In the Biz...
After graduating from The Boston Conservatory with a major in musical theatre, an emphasis in dance, and a few regional shows under her belt, Victoria joined the company of the national tour of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella. She was introduced to the grueling, yet very fulfilling world of being a swing, became a Dance Captain for the first time, and was given the gift of understudying and performing many times as Cinderella herself! She stayed with the show for its last two years on the road, and will always have a special place in her heart for The Forest.
Happily Ever After?
After pretending to get married to a fairytale prince over and over again, Victoria tied the knot back home in Chicago with her real-life prince charming, Joe. Luckily the two got to honeymoon in Europe and Victoria got to dabble in the Chicagoland theatre scene just before the world came grinding to a halt that spring. Along with entertainer's everywhere, the coronavirus had cancelled Victoria's performing plans for the foreseeable future...the perfect time to adopt a cat!
Back at it!
It had always been a goal of Victoria's to work for the Walt Disney Company, a major influencer in her aspirations to become a professional storyteller. So, after 2 years away from performing (thanks covid 😠), she joined Disney Cruise Line! She returned to theatre with open arms, performing in Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Aladdin, The Golden Mickeys, and Disney's Believe.